Table of Contents
Connecting to the School of Technology computing cluster
To request access
send email to ( with your full name
Log on :
For Windows you can use Putty or Powershell to connect from command line
With Linux or Mac
, open a terminal to connect
Visual Studio Code can also be used for remote connection and work on the cluster, see
how to.
User environment :
Each user has a home folder [/home/<user>] where all work is done
The path for student home folder is a little different [/student/<user>]
For those who are using Python, we recommend using a python virtual environment,for more flexibility,
All users log onto the Login node of the Slurm cluster and run their projects there, but to capture the power of the cluster, one has to submit jobs to the queue (workload manager)
To use slurm workload manager for your job, you first create a executable batch file with info about the job
and the run your job with sbatch
In you home directory there is an readMe and template script file (, which can be adjusted to each job's need
Please refrain from running heavy interactive jobs on the login node.
Example batch file
This example file is in each user's home folder, to view
#SBATCH --account=staff
#SBATCH --job-name=MyJob
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --output=myBatch.log
Useful commands
cmd | Descr |
squeue | Show all jobs on the queue |
sinfo | Information about the cluster |
sbatch <> | Submit job |
sacct | My jobs |
srun | Run job interactively |
scancel <id> | kill job with <id> |
Prefered practices :
- - Good to have, if possible
- What are the steps you job needs, does one part have to finish before another can run etc
- An estimate of the how many tasks
- what resource each task needs (CPU, memory, GPU)
- Does every step require the same resources
- An estimate of how long the will run
Additional information
Visual Studio Code can also be used through SSH
Use this email for access requests, inquiries etc.